Why is pat sajak a douche

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Log in No account? Create an account. Remember me. Your Imaginary Friend rocksee wrote, - 03 - 14 He needs confronting, I just did. Good one! That's more expensive than buying a vowel, I would imagine What an idiot!!! I still have "treasured" memories when I encountered this jackass! Or drown a few continents. For the win! Oh you. He went on to say In that case, I guess I'm a so-called "unpatriotic racist" as well. Let's see if Pat can put out his own fires. He couldn't, but it would do him a world of good to try Typical Republican sounds like a nut job.

He turned out to be such a huge disappointment. I'm just saying that since i haven't watch Wheel since the '80s, I only know him from that. He was a TV weatherman. Can you say Jackwagon? If we're going to describe him as a means of transportation. Pat is living proof the American Dream works! To borrow a line from the movie "Being There". I think the maid has a line like, "It sure is a white man's world Didn't she also say "nothing but rice pudding between the ears".

I can't recall Isn't he "special"? Well said. Well said! I can't. I don't agree with it. We had some local talk show person here in DFW Why a man who earns his living hosting a tv quiz show. Quiz show is being VERY generous. I agree. I should have said Game Show. Once again proving that Vanna was the brains of the operation. Well then. He must lose his job.

Was he drunk when he said this? No, the check cleared the bank. I see a stint in rehab in his future. I hope Gary Busey is his mentor. Does he talk to inanimate objects too? I'm sure that Betty Ford Who asked him. I knew he was a RWer because some of the little asides. WTF does "race" have to do with climate change? Pat's a very unhappy man. Wheel of Derp. Said the over-the-hill botoxed game show host. Because game show hosts make the best climate scientists. Sajak is getting senile.

Don't feed the game show host trolls. As opposed to patriotic racists? It's sad that Jerry Springer is more intelligent than Sajak,. People who've gotten rich off the game of Hangman need to be listened to? We have a huge Orwellian disconnect, purposely orchestrated, science denial is widespread. I loathe driving past our medical center in Annapolis now. This makes no sense. Because you are either for or against white people.

Obama is black I'd like to try to solve the puzzle, please. Jerry Brown is on track to have four successful terms as Governor. What does that even mean??? I suspect it means he was tweeting while drunk. Pat, can I buy a vowel please? Love it! Shit the fick ip? Maybe his acct was hacked. Maybe, but he's been a right wing hack for years. Another shithead more concerned about his oil and gas investments than the planet.

That's no surprise, considering that. What a stupid fucking thing to say! How can he be so moronic? What if it's a hoax Who cares. And today's Wheel Of Fortune puzzle solution is:. Now we know why he needed someone else to turn the letters for him. What does a view on climate change has to do with racism? Couldn't stand the guy before this, and his annoying show. Since I can't dislike him any more than. You would think considering all the time he spent as a TV weatherman. Wow - never knew until know he's a wingnut.

Yikes - he. Says the guy who does the "Wheel of Stupidity"? I was wondering when he was going to retire. Why don't these climate change deniers argue about the theory of relativity? They would. They think that's something to do with kissin' cousins. Sajak is a notorious drunk. Maybe the mystery. What a tool. I remember when he was a bad weatherman in Nashville.

He was a jerk in the day. Probably a long time supporter of big oil and Wall St with associated buddies. Why is this an attention getting statement? You should put this in your OP.

Just like last month when he 'outed' himself as straight? Then I stand corrected. I can see where someone may think I'm unpatriotic because I believe in global warming, I. I'd like to buy an "A", Pat. Pat, if you can find a "global warming alarmist" you will find they are just as clueless as you.

Curious as to what they're racist against. Pat Sajak's wheel has. What the??? Blah blah blah. Who cares what he has to say about anything?!?! Spin that wheel Pat! Dude, you host a show based I never would have figured Pat Sajak for a right winger.

Always has been. I would pay to watch that episode lol. An entity no less ideologically conservative as the Pentagon I will boycott his show. Pat Sajak may be a Wheel of Fortune staple after having hosted the long-running game show for some four decades, but those working behind the cameras are reportedly ready for him to set down the cue cards for good.

The report comes amid what some have viewed as a troubling several months for Sajak on the game show. Never interrupt a plug! Did patsajak just mock one of the contestants?? WheelofFortune TMZ pic.


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