How do contact lenses feel

To counteract the moisture loss, talk to your eye care practitioner about medicated eye drops or pick up over-the-counter drops from your favourite drugstore. Do not drive or bike while experiencing blurry vision. If you have to travel, remove your contacts and use glasses instead to reduce the risk of an accident.

You may find yourself blinking more often or your eyes tearing up more than usual while adjusting to new lenses. These symptoms should dissipate within the first few uses.

This alleviates most mild discomfort. Your eyes may begin to feel tired after wearing contact lenses for a brief period of time. To prevent and treat eye fatigue, only wear your contacts for a couple hours at a time to start. Work your way up to wearing your contact lenses all day. Use eye drops or wetting solution as needed. While considered normal during initial use, talk to your eye care practitioner if these symptoms persist or if you experience the following issues.

Most uncomfortable side effects of contact lenses come either from improper use or a problem with the lenses themselves. Improper use may include:. Unusual side effects can also result from lens defects, or incorrect lens brand or type. These side effects may include the following. Eye strain presents differently from person to person, but is often marked by the following symptoms:.

Your eye doctor will review all the necessary care requirements for your contact lenses, but keep the following in mind:. Keep in mind that most contact lenses cover the entire cornea, which essentially limits a healthy flow of oxygen to the eyes. Certain lenses like gas permeable and silicone hydrogel help to minimize oxygen deprivation, but proper use is essential for maintaining optimal eye health. One of the primary factors affecting contact lens comfort is how well the lens rests on the thin tear film that covers the cornea.

If your discomfort is being caused by dry eye, an artificial tear eye drop could remedy the problem by smoothing out and lubricating the tear film. Not all lenses are compatible with eye drops, meaning that you could inadvertently ruin your lenses with the wrong eye drop.

If your dry eye is caused as a result of a tear production issue, artificial tears are unlikely to provide long-term relief. Your eye doctor may be able to find the underlying problem and treat it accordingly. If you have a tear drainage issue, your eye doctor might recommend having a punctal plug inserted in the tear ducts to prevent drainage. The plug allows the tear film to build up in the eye and provide a thicker layer for the contact lens to rest on. A dissolvable plug is sometimes inserted first to evaluate whether or not it helps resolve the issue.

If the chemical composition of your tears is off slightly, you may be more prone to excess tear evaporation. Supplementing your diet with omega-3 fatty acids and flaxseed oil has been shown to improve the oily composition of tears, helping to prevent abnormal evaporation and allowing the contact lenses to rest more comfortably on the tear film. It is never painful and very easy to master.

It is very important that you always wash your hands correctly and use the solutions to clean the lenses at night. We would recommend going slowly your first day or two. Allow yourself to get used to the change and give yourself a break after about hours until you feel really natural about wearing them. Just like glasses, the cost really depends on what materials your contact lenses are made from, the brand, and the prescription you need.

We would love to talk to you about our price range or have you in for a look at what your best options are. No matter what your current glasses prescription is, even if you have astigmatism, talk to us about your options. If you would really like a change talk to our staff about prescription coloured contact lenses. Is Conjunctivitis Contagious?

Keeping Contact Lenses Clean One thing you will really like about contacts is how clean they are. If you have any question call us on: 02 May 24, Apr 30, Mar 30,


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