What type of ode is ode to the west wind
In this poem, Shelley also plays with another form: the sonnet. For one thing, a sonnet is a fourteen-line poem in iambic pentameter. That sounds suspiciously like an English sonnet. Some iambic pentameter is peeking through here. So "Ode to the West Wind" is almost like a miniature sonnet sequence of five sonnets. The poem imagines one solution to an individual feeling weak in the face of the world: unity between Man and Nature. But the form creates another solution: unity between a prestigious Italian rhyme scheme and a famous English style of sonnet writing.
That way, Shelley the Englishman in Italy brings his two countries closer together with the structure of the poem.
There is a balance between these two aspects in the first stanza as if it were possible to confront the two with each other. This is of course different with the human beings: they die and do not return again. The second stanza of the poem is much more fluid than the first one. Through this reference the landscape is recalled again.
This probably refers to the fact that the line between the sky and the stormy sea is indistinguishable and the whole space from the horizon to the zenith being is covered with trialing storm clouds.
In a biblical way, they may be messengers that bring a message from heaven down to earth through rain and lightning. This means that the wind is now no longer at the horizon and therefore far away, but he is exactly above us. Ode to the West Wind. The quotations of the poem are taken from the poem that is at the end of this paper — see Appendix.
For further information about the homepage where the poem was taken from, see also Appendix. As there would be too many footnotes at the bottom of each page, the quotes of the poem will be right behind the quotes in brackets from.
M K Manuela Kistner Author. Add to cart. Introduction II. Conclusion IV. Bibliography V. Appendix I VI. Appendix II I. Introduction Percy Bysshe Shelley is one of the most famous Romantic poets of the 19th century. The island is in a bay at Baiae, a city in western Italy about ten miles west of Naples. Wordsworth wrote about his love for the city of London. Keats expressed his passionate affection for an English translation of Homer! Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search.
Press ESC to cancel. Ben Davis May 29, What is the theme of the poem Ode to the West Wind? Which line from Ode to the West Wind is an example of a metaphor? How is nature presented in Ode to the West Wind?
What is the meaning of Ode to the West Wind?